

"Give us a cuddle", said a friend when I was moaning about something on LiveJournal.

That was a stupid request, as I naturally grabbed my camera and obliged!

Also, remember LiveJournal? This photo was taken back in 2007, almost a decade ago as I write this.



As I post this at the end of January, Autumn seems a long time ago. This particular photo was taken almost nine years ago, so that's moot.

I was importing old photos into darktable, and this one struck me as one that had gotten away...

Courting Angels

Courting Angels

As always, I'm a sucker for a nice alignment, and the contrails follow the building's lines quite nicely. Combnie with some subtle reflections in the windows, and of course I'm going to find this to be the best photo of the day!

Invisible Man

Invisible Man

I had an idea for a project about "the invisibles" - about homeless people just being walked past, as though they didn't exist. This photo was taken for that project at London Bridge early in the morning, back in 2007.

SMWS Christmas Parcels 2016

Christmas TreeThe Christmas Parcels list was an odd one this year.

The individual bottles were great, but the parcels were all flawed - every one had a bottle in it that I didn't like enough that I couldn't consider it. That's the danger of parcels - sometimes great, sometimes frustrating.


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