Invisible Man

Invisible Man

I had an idea for a project about "the invisibles" - about homeless people just being walked past, as though they didn't exist. This photo was taken for that project at London Bridge early in the morning, back in 2007.

The project itself didn't work out simply because I don't like taking photos of people - it feels like a rude imposition, even when they're in public.

(Having people in photos incidentally is OK, it's just making them the main subject when in public that I dislike. Very un-British.)

This photo is also notable for having Vic Odden's photography shop in the background - sadly closed at that point. This had been a long-standing shop, familiar to many London commuters with an interest in photography. Sadly, the advent of both digital photography (reducing the use of their labs) and internet shopping (which reduced their sales of equipment) forced them out of business.