Refill Ex-Bourbon Barrel

13.47 - "It's a knockout"

10 years old, distilled 12th May 2005, 59.3% abv, refill ex-bourbon barrel, 199 bottles

SMWS 13.47The nose has toffee, caramel, and a little hint of digestive biscuit. The mouthfeel is thin and a little coating. The body has more caramel, oranges and a hint of lemon. The finish is lemon and toffee.

29.175 - "The day's catch"

16 years old, distilled 1st July 1999, 52.6% abv, refill ex-bourbon barrel, 289 bottles

SMWS 29.175The nose has brine, smoked fish, and grilled fish. The mouthfeel is smooth, thin and has a little cling. The body has burnt fat, crisp smoke and a little brine. The finish is light smoke and brine.


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